Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Rest of It

Okay, at this point, save for a few tweaks here and there, my house is finished. Everything came together so quickly at the end that I didn't have a chance to get pictures as things progressed. We had a snag with the wallpaper...I felt that enough had been ordered, and didn't go for the full order as suggested by the paperers. Turns out, I needed to order more! So, things got delayed a bit, which is how I was able to get progression pictures for the dinig room and kitchen. But everything else? It took three days to get everything else done! With my schedule last week, it was hard to stop by and check it out every day (though believe me, I wanted to!). So the pics you see are of the house as it appears today. Moving will commence this week, and I will hopefully be in soon!!!

The Living Room
Same paper and border as in the dining room. As I have mentioned earlier, the same basic wallpaper is used throughout the house (with the exception of the bathroom). Some may find that boring, but one of the things about wallpaper that bugs me is the endless array pf patterns used in the place for the eye to rest! I need a space where I feel completely relaxed...I think that this paper will do that for me.

I used the same border in the office. I love how this room turned out. It is much brighter than how it was before, and I think I will like working in here.

Bad shot of the hallway...good thing is, again, as in the office, a much brighter area than what it was before. I'll have to get a better shot of the border and post it...may be hard to see in this picture.

The laundry room...definitely brighter than before. I've included a shot of the border here because it is hard to see in the first pic. I can't really believe that I picked this border out; it is not like me at all...but it fit the house and I do like it in its own way. There's a bit of whimsy there.

Finally, the bedroom. We've skipped the bathroom because I haven't done anything there. I originally thought that I was done in the bedroom, but there was a noticeable gap between the walls and ceiling, and I realized (through some pushing and prodding) that I needed to get a border. I wasn't thrilled with this, but it had to be done, so here is the bedroom with the border added. I went subtle here, or at least I tried, colorwise. I like to change things in the bedroom (bedspreads, quilts, etc.) so I wanted something that didn't have a strong color in it.

Hopefully this will be successful!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

One last thing today...

For all of you CCHS alumni out there who graduated roughly around the time that I did, you probably remember the lady in the cafeteria who would ask you, "Plain or Jelly?" or maybe "You want corn?" or even, "You want beans?"

Well, guess what?

That house (as viewed through my laundry room window)? That's where Plain or Jelly lives! She is my next door neighbor!!! Yes! I have visions of inviting her over for lunch one day for chili and sandwiches, just so I can ask her, "Plain or jelly?" It may never happen, but, wow, I am entertained by the sheer thought of it!

(Plain or Jelly is actually B. Miller's and J. Biddle's grandma, and I am sure she is a very nice no way do I mean this blog entry as an insult to her...rather, it is more of a tribute to the lady who made lunchtime so special. -ME)

The Dining Room...

Okay, when we last left the dining room, everything had been patched and the ceilings had been done. But no updates here for a bit!!! So, here we go...

Wallpaper added...

And then, of course, the border...

BAM! Dining room? Done!!!

Kitchen Stages

Okay, so the kitchen is are the stages of progression!

The beadboard is up and painted....

Sydnie discovered that the bottom cabinet of the built-in is an excellent place to hang out...

And then, the wallpaper went up...

Mom and Dad painted the kitchen cabinets (I helped one day, but they did the bulk of the work here), so we hung those back up. The border was also added...

And then, before I knew it, the kitchen was done (well, almost...Dad built new shelves for the built-in, but I still need to get in there and paint the inside.

But, for the most part, DONE!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

So I Lied

I didn't get around to blogging over Spring Break. I got some news last week that I won a grant to go to Japan in October, so I have been a bit scatter-brained lately. Of course, I am EXTREMELY excited about going to Japan, and excited about the house too, but there is just all of this stuff going on and no time to blog! (BTW, want to follow the Mick in Japan action? will get you there) But, here it is, 6 in the morning, and I can't sleep, so I am going to go ahead and tour you through some of the other parts of the house. It's going to be quick, and right now I am just going to show you the "before" pics...I will post some updates later.

Just so you has come a LONG way on the house. At this moment, all surface repair has been done, and two rooms have been wallpapered. Mom and I did some painting. The house is MUCH farther along than what you are going to see in these pictures. I anticipate being able to move soon. But, as time seems to not be working well with me, I will probably be in the house before I get around to blogging the rest of the progress. But, it will get done!!!

Without any further ado, then...

When you are in the living room, near the front door, and you look west, you will see the room that will become my office. It is accessed through this cool little archway. Someday it might bother me that this isn't a door, but it's give me a reason to build a Hobbit-like door, straight outta Lord of the Rings! Eh, probably not.

I do like how the windows look out over the front porch. There is a lot of light in this room, and hopefully I will get more work accomplished at the computer in that room than what I am accomplishing here! Mel told me that I can have her hide-a-bed couch in her old house's basement (dude, you rock), so when you come to visit, this will be your room!

I think I have told you about the closets. Whew. Scary. Take a look.

Another view...this is the ceiling...

This is where half of my clothing will be hanging. I think you can see why I want to have it fixed!!

Leaving from the office, we reach the hallway.

Just so you at the end is my bedroom. First door on right is the laundry room, second is the potty. The door on the left leads to the dining room. Congrats! At this point you have a rough layout of my enitre house! Draw your own map, just for fun!

The hallway looks much better in this picture than it is. The paper is really dark. Like all of the paper, it is getting replaced. As is all rooms, the ceiling has been done here. And it looks fantastic. I'm pretty pleased with it!

Into the laundry room...

The laundry room is technically another bedroom, but as there was already a washer and dryer hookup here, it was thought best to go ahead and keep this as the laundry room. Truth is, I am more apt to do the laundry if I don't have to climb the steps to do it, so this'll work out. I like that it has hardwood floors! I just have hardwood in here and in the office, and I need to polish it up yet. In here, especially, it will be nice because this room will also have the cats' litterbox. Probably more than you wanted to know. We'll just call this the dirty room and leave it at that.

Scary closet here too, but not as bad as in the office!

The ceiling in this one isn't NEARLY as harmful to my clothing, but it still got redone.

Laughing time. This is the access to my attic. This house has now been mine for two months. I have yet to go into the attic. Actually am not planning on it anytime soon. My butt is far too big for that opening!

Ah, the bathroom. Love it here. Why? Because NOTHING HAS TO BE DONE HERE. It was all just recently redone. I can actually go in here and pretend I am living in my house. Of course, I have to shut the door to get the complete visualization, and then I am stuck with the fact that I am sitting for no reason in my bathroom. This is what derranged people do.

New tub even!

Wooden toilet seat has GOT to go! I keep getting visions of splinters in not so pleasant places...

Okay, last bedroom. Believe it or not, when Mom and I were in here the other night painting, it was ridiculously dark in here. Scary dark ! This house is in town, and even with the blinds open, it's dark! I see nightlights in my future, and that saddens me greatly, as I am no fan of nightlights. But I do have a knack for falling, so nightlights will be going up!

The closet here is very small. Marty got in it the other day to illustrate whether or not you could actually hang a clotheshanger in here. The Marty-Test proved negative. My plan anyway is to put shelves up in here, so it works out the way I planned anyway!

Anyway, that completes the "before" photo tour. It's now 6:30, and I have to go take a shower to get ready for work. I will try to post some updates soon!