Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Rest of It

Okay, at this point, save for a few tweaks here and there, my house is finished. Everything came together so quickly at the end that I didn't have a chance to get pictures as things progressed. We had a snag with the wallpaper...I felt that enough had been ordered, and didn't go for the full order as suggested by the paperers. Turns out, I needed to order more! So, things got delayed a bit, which is how I was able to get progression pictures for the dinig room and kitchen. But everything else? It took three days to get everything else done! With my schedule last week, it was hard to stop by and check it out every day (though believe me, I wanted to!). So the pics you see are of the house as it appears today. Moving will commence this week, and I will hopefully be in soon!!!

The Living Room
Same paper and border as in the dining room. As I have mentioned earlier, the same basic wallpaper is used throughout the house (with the exception of the bathroom). Some may find that boring, but one of the things about wallpaper that bugs me is the endless array pf patterns used in the place for the eye to rest! I need a space where I feel completely relaxed...I think that this paper will do that for me.

I used the same border in the office. I love how this room turned out. It is much brighter than how it was before, and I think I will like working in here.

Bad shot of the hallway...good thing is, again, as in the office, a much brighter area than what it was before. I'll have to get a better shot of the border and post it...may be hard to see in this picture.

The laundry room...definitely brighter than before. I've included a shot of the border here because it is hard to see in the first pic. I can't really believe that I picked this border out; it is not like me at all...but it fit the house and I do like it in its own way. There's a bit of whimsy there.

Finally, the bedroom. We've skipped the bathroom because I haven't done anything there. I originally thought that I was done in the bedroom, but there was a noticeable gap between the walls and ceiling, and I realized (through some pushing and prodding) that I needed to get a border. I wasn't thrilled with this, but it had to be done, so here is the bedroom with the border added. I went subtle here, or at least I tried, colorwise. I like to change things in the bedroom (bedspreads, quilts, etc.) so I wanted something that didn't have a strong color in it.

Hopefully this will be successful!


chilort said...

Looking good!

Mickster said... actually has furniture and stuff in it now, so it looks a little different!